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Monday 1 April 2013

Ingenious system or plainly potty?

A resident writes...
"My husband visited Croydon Central Library this week. It seems that if you wish to use the toilets there you now have to join the main queue in the library (the one where everyone has to queue to return, reserve, take out books or ask a question). When it is your turn you are then issued with written instructions to operate the new keypad and gain access to the toilets. 
Does anyone know why this complicated procedure has been put in place? Have there been problems with these toilets?"
 Has anyone any information to shed on this?  Given the concern we hear that these queues are quite lengthy what possible purpose does it serve to add to these queues? 

Is anyone aware of the antisocial behaviour referred to in this busy building in this unhelpful sign ?

Extra secure facilities at the Clocktower

Are visitors left to wander about seeking help and, given the cut back on staff, how pleased are staff at taking on yet another completely unrelated duty?

Extra secure facilities at the Clocktower

Or might it just be a way of monitoring the situation and restricting access to the growing number of homeless people and those in sheltered accommodation in Croydon who are taking refuge in the Central Library?

Given the security already in place in this busy building the introduction of such measures, if the concern really is about anti-social behaviour, does not bode well for the safety of staff and library users in our other libraries....

What are your thoughts?


  1. The security staff who are very evident cannot give the key code- so more work for the library staff. And yet this is a public building where the public should be able to use the facilities.

  2. They truly are taking the pi**

  3. This is a tricky one, i've worked in libraries were the public toilets had to be closed or restricted due too vandalism and drug use, of course the public should have access to them but what do you do if this is a persistent problem? I, and other staff, have had to pick needles and condoms from the floor and obviously this is a health and safety issue. I don't understand why the security guards can't give out the code, doesn't make sense.
